Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fashion Show At "Fashion Bug" featured "Why Not Sparkle?" Jewels by Park Lane Collection!
Had a wonderful day at Chillicothe Store- It was a great time with my oldest daughter, Brandi, met some awfully nice people, made some jewelry sales, found a possible recruit to sponsor, and set some promising bookings for April!
Thank You's to my Sparkle Partner Sammie for the referral, Brandi for your loving assistance & photos, all the lovely models for your enthusiastic participation, and Fashion Bug staff for their hospitality! Can't wait to do it again in September!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

& Miss ASHLEY!

To the "Why Not Sparkle?" with Jewels by Park Lane Team!

Brooke will be assisted by one of her "Besties"-Ashley, in her new business venture. I have lots of excitement for these two ladies opportunity with our company, they both have previous sales experience & love the Park Lane program -they are going go to as far as they want to- winning jewelry, paychecks, bonuses, & vacations !! Their Intro Show goes in today! CONGRATULATIONS Brooke & Ashley~You're gonna' LOVE PARK LANE!

We had a great time at Brooke's Intro Show- Loved meeting her friends & family !! They supported her with Bookings to get her Business Plan going right away~

Miss Haley was the STAR at Brooke's Show- She graduated from starter pierced earrings to Jewels by Park Lane's Sparkling J'adore set. Here she is a my proud model !! ~Beautiful!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bridal Show, A Marriage of Talents & Opportunities!

Brides & their collective entourage of family & friends took center stage at the Ross County Bridal Show Sunday. We pampered, rewarded, fed & entertained them as they prepared for their upcoming 'Big Day'- Always enjoyable, The Ross County Bridal Show was kind to me in sales, as well as allowing me the aquaintance of Jacki, Heather, & Maggie. I cannot wait to let them explore what Park Lane has to offer! If we spoke at the show and you took my card, remind me when you call-I will honor my offer to you of that day! Pictured above is the beautilful Miss Priscilla. (This little Princess will be 'coronated' this month!) I'll have amazing offers to lavish on 'Her Royal Highness', & perhaps an employment opportunity as well!

March did in fact come in like a lion, for me- a bold and hungry one~ Hurray!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Will be proudly represented by my "Why Not Sparkle?" offer, on Sunday, March 6th, 2011
with a 1/2 price table at the Annual "Ross County Bridal Show". Come out & play; there will be Give-Aways, Door Prizes, Special "Bridal Show Only" offers you won't want to
I have a BRAND NEW Catalog, & lots of incentives to offer every Hostess who books at
the Show! I want my March calendar bustin' at the seams. Help me fill it, & I'll reward YOU!
Also information provided on how YOU can win our newest ALL Expenses Paid travel trip to
an All Inclusive Resort in ... COSTA RICA! ...Sounds SO Good!